Benefits of Learning outside the Classroom

04Oct 19

Education does not always mean studying in school, college giving exams and passing that. There is a big world outside the classroom to learn and practice things, improve skills. The world is itself a classroom giving good and bad experiences and in return gives wisdom. There are many things that people learn and practice except study like hobbies, develop skills, extracurricular activities, sports, adventure, etc.


there is better, different, fresh and engaging atmosphere outside the classroom. Person/kid learn things happily, the mind develops in a better way, learn team spirit. Learning things outside and then linking in the classroom is a fun and easy way to understand and remember things.


things which are difficult to understand and remember in the classroom much easier in the outside world learning practically and learning with the help of different examples.


taking kids outside the classroom is like unclipping their wings and let them explore the world. Their creativity will b different, so many questions to clear their doubts and learn in a whole different way with un and practical knowledge.


learning outside the classroom develops new behavior skills and management tips in children. Learning, practicing and dealing with actual things is a whole new learning process which gives you wide ability to grasp and nurture creativity and imagination.


learning outside the classroom is a healthy way to learn things and good for physical and mental health too. It ultimately gives a chance of exercise, walking, opening up the mind to a greater extent.


in the outside world there are free of cost limitless resources irrespective of the school budget and bag burden.

Outdoor learning not only means relating things to study but there are different things which we can learn like going to adventure camps, practice sports, develop your skills and hobbies, photography, art, music, dance, singing, etc.

  • 1. Adventure – gets a chance to see nature closely feel it, team spirit, a happy mind, and body, healthy physique. Adventure activities are fun and make the person learn to adjust with uninvited conditions and circumstances.
  • 2. Sportsperson gets to learn and practice new sport he is interested in. sports keep the person fit, fresh, healthy, team spirit and management skills development. Time management, discipline, boldness is gained by the person.
  • 3. Practicing hobbies – any hobby person interested in can be learned and practiced by a person like music, dance, painting, art, craft, etc.

A person can achieve success and reach at any limit if have interest, practice, time management, correct behavior and approach towards the particular activity. Activities and experiences need to be planned in a safe zone, which can lead to many positive points like:

  • 1. An informal way of learning
  • 2. Good behavior is developed
  • 3. Makes learning easy, understandable and easy to grasp and remember.
  • 4. Motivates the person and inspire its inner soul.
  • 5. Gives challenges at different levels and make the person learn to accept and perform.
  • 6. Learning outside the classroom is more than win and loose.

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