How The Facilities in Our School Support Your Child's Development?

24May 2022

How The Facilities in Our School Support Your Child's Development?

It's not just the teachers who care about your child's development. Every school has facilities that support children's learning. In fact, many schools have facilities that help children learn even before they get to school.

Schools should provide every facility possible to help students succeed. This includes providing safe places for children to play, comfortable places to study, and healthy food choices to eat.

In this post, I'll go over how each of our school's facilities supports your child's development. I'll also share with you why we believe these facilities are important.

A Healthy Body Develops a Healthy Mind

Your children need a healthy environment to grow up in. They need a clean, safe place where they can eat well and learn.

We believe that the best way to develop a healthy body is through a healthy diet. We offer separate dining halls for boys and girls to ensure they get the nutrition they need to grow strong and healthy.

Our kitchens are clean and well maintained. We use only fresh ingredients to prepare meals that are nutritious and delicious. We encourage students to come to school ready to learn.

A healthy mind comes from a healthy body. We provide a variety of activities for our students to keep them engaged and active throughout the day. We also offer after-school programs to help our students stay focused and motivated during the long summer days.

We Offer Medical Care for Residential Students

If you're looking for a school that offers medical care for residential students, you've found the right place. We offer medical care for our residential students at no cost to them.

Our doctors visit the schools daily to evaluate students' health and well being. They treat minor illnesses and injuries, and they refer serious cases to specialists.

We also offer specialty care when needed. For example, we have an orthopedic surgeon who treats broken bones and sprains, and we have a pediatrician who sees kids for routine checkups and vaccinations.

When you enroll your child at Sri Viswasanthi Educational Institutions, you'll be joining a community with people who share your commitment to your child's well-being.

The facilities in our school support the development of your children right from the beginning. We offer computer classes at every level, from first standard through 12th grade.

We have a state-of-the-art computer lab where students learn basic computer skills, including typing, keyboarding, and Internet navigation. Students use computers daily for homework assignments, class projects, and online learning.

Our teachers are highly trained and experienced. They teach students the basics of computer literacy and help them develop problem solving skills.

We also have a highly skilled technical staff who work closely with teachers to ensure that each student receives individualized instruction.

For the Development of Mind and Body

The facilities in our school support the development of your children. We offer classes in yoga, martial arts, and meditation. All of these activities help develop the mind and body.

Yoga helps students relax and unwind. Martial arts teaches self-discipline, concentration, and respect. Meditation teaches patience and compassion. These skills are important for developing character and leadership qualities.

We believe that the best way to teach these skills is through experience. So we hire only experienced teachers who have been certified in their field. In addition, we train them in the latest techniques and methods.

Our goal is to create an environment where kids feel safe and comfortable learning these valuable life skills. And we're proud of the fact that our students consistently win awards at local and state competitions.

The New Millennium is for the Right-Brained

We live in a world where technology is everywhere. We use computers, smart phones, tablets, and other devices every day. But we're not just talking about technology here. We're talking about right brain skills.

Right brain skills are those that require creativity, imagination, and problem solving. They include things like drawing, dancing, music, singing, and writing. These are all activities that children learn naturally through play.

But today, many parents don't realize that these right brain skills are important for kids' development. And they often feel frustrated when their child doesn't seem interested in them.

That's because most schools teach only left brain skills. Left brain skills are logical, analytical, and sequential. They include things like math, reading, science, and language.

While left brain skills are important, right brain skills are equally important. In fact, some studies show that children who develop strong right brain skills tend to be happier, healthier, and better adjusted than children who don't.

That's why at Sri Viswasanthi, these fine arts skills like drawing, dance, music and singing are an integral part of the curriculum.


Sri Viswasanthi is a school where children are given the opportunity to develop their full potential. We believe that every child deserves a safe environment where he/she can grow into a happy, healthy adult. Enroll your child at Sri Viswasanthi and see him/her blossom fully.

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